Christmas Angels patterns
In early November I started thinking about how close it was getting to Christmas and I decided to design a couple of Christmas angels. Both of these designs are inspired by native flowers of Aotearoa.
The kōwhai tree flowers in spring (and the tree at one of my next door neighbour's starts to flower in winter).
The pōhutukawa tree flowers in summer and is known as the New Zealand Christmas tree.
While my original designs were made using the colours of the flowers (yellow for the kōwhai tree and red for the pōhutukawa), the angels look quite nice in a single colour or in a mixture of other colours.
For some versions I have added beads in at various places (instructions are given in the patterns) and for other versions I have left the beads out.

The patterns are written for DK yarn but would work quite well in any weight of yarn (although it might be tricky to add beads in if you are using thicker yarn unless the beads have a big enough hole for the yarn to pass through). I have made a few of my angels in a mixture of aran weight and DK weight yarn (depending on what colours I had available in my stash) and the mixed yarn weight angels came out a similar size to the ones made with just DK weight yarn.
Both patterns have 30% off until the 15th of December 2020. You can find the kōwhai pattern here and the pōhutukawa pattern here.