Welcome to Nessie's Notions

Hi, and welcome to my blog. I set up my website a few months ago but it has taken me a little while to get some content ready to publish. I had so many ideas that I wanted to share and wasn't sure what order to do everything in. I'm going to try doing one post per week (hopefully that's sustainable) and I'll try to vary the type of thing that I post each week. I'm hoping that the format each month will be as follows:

1st week of the month - yarn scrap challenge (finding something to do with either small amounts of yarn or the yarn tails leftover from weaving in ends or sewing amigurumi together).

2nd week of the month - a photo tutorial on a stitch or stitch pattern.

3rd week of the month - a challenge to myself using the new stitch or stitch pattern from week 2 (with a secret project to make at the end, more details to follow in the coming months).

4th week of the month - a new pattern release hopefully made with the stitch or stitch pattern from weeks 2 and 3 (though I'm not going to guarantee that as I may not always have something related to the new stitch that is ready to publish ).

Of course, things may change as I get started with my blog. I am planning to do a CAL at some point once my patterns are fully tested and I'm also contributing to a couple of other CALs so when the time comes I'll post my patterns here on my blog.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts.

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