Christmas yarn bombing

A couple of weeks ago I decided it might be fun to yarn bomb my local library. I got permission from the librarians before I started and decided that I would use my recently designed and published patterns for 2 different kiwi Christmas Angels for the yarn bombing. By the end of making the 17 angels (9 pōhutukawa, 8 kōwhai) I was doing both patterns from memory and mixing up wing patterns on occasion. The yarn that I used was a mixture of DK and baby weight yarn that I had been given, all little leftover balls of yarn. For some of the kōwhai angels I didn't have quite enough yarn for the wings and the full body pattern so I made some with one less set of flowers and smaller wings. The photo below shows all of the little angels ready for the yarn bombing.

I had originally planned on spreading out all of the angels at various places around the library. However, when I arrived on Tuesday morning, some other library patrons (with the librarians) had created their own "Christmas tree" from a rotating book stand and we decided it would be fun to add all of the angels to this Christmas tree. The angels will be staying up on the tree until next week and then the librarians will randomly be giving them out to library patrons in the last few days that the library is open for the year. Hopefully they will bring some Christmas joy to those who visit the library. Some photos of the angels on the makeshift tree are shown below. Unfortunately, the photos don't really show off the "tree" or its decorations very well.

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