
Crochet tow truck pattern

Crochet tow truck pattern
This is one of a series of vehicles I made for my children’s road mat blanket. For my original version I used a cotton reel for my tow rope to wind...

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 6 - Race car #2

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 6 - Race car #2
Introduction This little car is part of a series of vehicles I designed for my children. These race cars are good for using up small amounts of ya...

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 5 - mini race car #1

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 5 - mini race car #1
Introduction This car is one of a series of vehicles I designed for my children. This pattern is good for using up small amounts of yarn and is qu...

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 4 - Dump truck tip tray and wheels

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 4 - Dump truck tip tray and wheels
In this part, you will be making the wheels and dump truck tray to finish off the vehicle. There are two options for the tray at the back. You can either choose to make a fixed tray or you can have a tipping tray that opens up. If you are making the fixed tray you will not need the button or domes

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 3 - Dump truck vehicle body

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 3 - Dump truck vehicle body
In this part of the CAL you will be making the vehicle body of the dump truck.

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 2 - Concrete mixer wheels and mixer

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 2 - Concrete mixer wheels and mixer
In this part, you will create the mixer and wheels for the concrete mixer.

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 1 - Concrete mixer vehicle body

Cars and Trucks CAL - Part 1 - Concrete mixer vehicle body
In this part of the CAL you will be creating the vehicle body. This vehicle was designed to have a white cab and white as the main colour of the mixer portion.

Cars and Trucks CAL - Introduction

Cars and Trucks CAL - Introduction
I'm proud to offer my first every CAL - Cars and Trucks. Click to read more...